We connect, integrate and develop dispersed teams, working from home and in a hybrid model. We create modern programmes, which develop and educate through the entertaining form.

We provide solutions for modern times, current needs and demanding customers.


We produce new generation online programmes:  team-building events and interactive training. We design interactive online formats in which participants actively experience group cooperation and competition. We offer the highest quality support for corporate teams in building and maintaining effective relationships. 


We lift the team vibe and improve communication. We know very well that online we cannot lose the attention of the participant, which is why we focus on engaging storylines, captivating scenarios, highly immersive mechanics and the highest visual quality. We love new technologies and are keen to use them to provide authentic online experiences. 


We incorporate corporate values, CSR strategies, work-life balance needs, promote well-being and implement EDI.

We activate small and large groups. In Polish, English and German.

Quality you deliver is high, you perfectly meet customers' needs sacrificing a lot of the time for preparations. Smooth communication and concrete questions help to build a good final product, which is individual for each customer.

Professionalism of the team players could be easily recognized. Facilitator dedicated for our event build relation with participants immediately. His engagement and good energy motivated our team to get involved.

Quality you deliver is high, you perfectly meet customers' needs sacrificing a lot of the time for preparations. Smooth communication and concrete questions help to build a good final product, which is individual for each customer.

Quality you deliver is high, you perfectly meet customers` needs sacrificing a lot of the time for preparations. Smooth communication and concrete questions help to build a good final product, which is individual for each customer.

Quality you deliver is high, you perfectly meet customers' needs sacrificing a lot of

the time for preparations. Smooth communication and concrete questions

help to build a good final product,

which is individual for each customer.

Quality you deliver is high, you perfectly meet customers` needs sacrificing a lot of the time for preparations. Smooth communication and concrete questions help to build a good final product, which is individual for each customer.

Professionalism of the team players could

be easily recognized. Facilitator

dedicated for our event build relation

with participants immediately. His engagement and good energy motivated

our team to get involved.

Quality you deliver is high, you perfectly meet customers` needs sacrificing a lot of the time for preparations. Smooth communication and concrete questions help to build a good final product, which is individual for each customer.

Professionalism of the team players could be easily recognized. Facilitator dedicated for our event build relation with participants immediately. His engagement and good energy motivated our team to get involved.

Professionalism of the team players could be easily recognized. Facilitator dedicated for our event build relation with participants immediately. His engagement and good energy motivated our team to get involved.



We know that an effective online presence requires full commitment. We make sure to involve participants as much as possible in the programmes at every stage. In hundreds of implementations, we have developed proven mechanics and effective interactive solutions.

Online Events


Company anniversaries, kick-offs, special events, town halls, project launches and finishes, company conferences. We create scenarios and execute tailor-made events and supporting energisers.





THANK YOU Team Spirit Online for leveling up employee experience during Anniversary Online Party. We made impossible possible and received lots of appreciation comments from employees.

THANK YOU Team Spirit Online for leveling up employee experience during Anniversary Online Party. We made impossible possible and received lots of appreciation comments from employees.

THANK YOU Team Spirit Online for leveling up employee experience during Anniversary Online Party. We made impossible possible and received lots of appreciation comments from employees.

THANK YOU Team Spirit Online for leveling up employee experience during Anniversary Online Party.

We made impossible possible and received lots of appreciation comments from employees.

THANK YOU Team Spirit Online for leveling up employee experience during Anniversary Online Party. We made impossible possible and received lots of appreciation comments from employees.

THANK YOU Team Spirit Online for leveling up employee experience during Anniversary Online Party.

We made impossible possible and received lots

of appreciation comments from employees.

THANK YOU Team Spirit Online for leveling up employee experience during Anniversary Online Party. We made impossible possible and received lots of appreciation comments from employees.

THANK YOU Team Spirit Online for leveling up employee experience during Anniversary Online Party. We made impossible possible and received lots of appreciation comments from employees.

We connect, integrate and develop dispersed teams, working from home and in a hybrid model. We create modern programmes, which develop and educate through the entertaining form.

We provide solutions for modern times, current needs and demanding customers.


We produce new generation online programmes:  team-building events and interactive training. We design interactive online formats in which participants actively experience group cooperation and competition. We offer the highest quality support for corporate teams in building and maintaining effective relationships. 


We lift the team vibe and improve communication. We know very well that online we cannot lose the attention of the participant, which is why we focus on engaging storylines, captivating scenarios, highly immersive mechanics and the highest visual quality. We love new technologies and are keen to use them to provide authentic online experiences. 


We incorporate corporate values, CSR strategies, work-life balance needs, promote well-being and implement EDI.

We activate small and large groups. In Polish, English and German.

We connect, integrate and develop dispersed teams, working from home and in a hybrid model. We create modern programmes, which develop and educate through the entertaining form.

We provide solutions for modern times, current needs and demanding customers.


We produce new generation online programmes:  team-building events and interactive training. We design interactive online formats in which participants actively experience group cooperation and competition. We offer the highest quality support for corporate teams in building and maintaining effective relationships. 


We lift the team vibe and improve communication. We know very well that online we cannot lose the attention of the participant, which is why we focus on engaging storylines, captivating scenarios, highly immersive mechanics and the highest visual quality. We love new technologies and are keen to use them to provide authentic online experiences. 


We incorporate corporate values, CSR strategies, work-life balance needs, promote well-being and implement EDI.

We activate small and large groups. In Polish, English and German.

What do we do? 



Case study

Our Values


Our Team

Pomagamy organizacjom w integracji pracowników online oraz hybrydowo. Tworzymy programy pozwalające na poznanie się zespołów, polepszenie komunikacji, zwiększenie motywacji i efektywności współpracy.

Ułatwiamy dołączenie new joiners do teamów oraz pogłębiamy poczucie tożsamości z firmą i zespołami.


Nie tworzymy substytutu spotkań na żywo, a interaktywne formaty online, które w pełni wykorzystują nowe możliwości do efektywnych i emocjonujących spotkań. Dla małych

i dużych grup. Do połowy 2021 roku z sukcesem połączyliśmy  ponad 5 tysięcy pracowników firm różnych branż. W języku polskim i angielskim.

Interactive trainings


Captivating meetings with experts in our original, interactive formula. Participants have an influence on the flow of the meeting and the selection of content and are actively involved in the programme.

Online Events


Company anniversaries, kick-offs, special events, town halls, project launches and finishes, company conferences. We create scenarios and execute tailor-made events and supporting energisers.

Eventy online


Rocznica firmy, kick off, impreza okolicznościowa, town hall, start i finisz projektu, konferencje.  Kreujemy scenariusze i produkujemy szyte na miarę eventy online.

Online Events


Company anniversaries, kick-offs, special events, town halls, project launches and finishes, company conferences. We create scenarios and execute tailor-made events and supporting energisers.

Online Events


Company anniversaries, kick-offs, special events, town halls, project launches and finishes, company conferences. We create scenarios and execute tailor-made events and supporting energisers.

Interactive trainings


Captivating meetings with experts in our original, interactive formula. Participants have an influence on the flow of the meeting and the selection of content and are actively involved in the programme.

Interactive trainings


Captivating meetings with experts in our original, interactive formula. Participants have an influence on the flow of the meeting and the selection

of content and are actively involved in the programme.

Online Team Building


Engaging online games, workshops and challenges for company teams  support communication and strengthen team bonds. We provide entertainment, education and group experience.

Online Team Building


Engaging online games, workshops and challenges for company teams  support communication and strengthen team bonds. We provide entertainment, education and group experience.

Online Team Building


Engaging online games, workshops and challenges for company teams  support communication and strengthen team bonds.

We provide entertainment, education and group experience.



Apps & Studio Executive

Interactive Developer 

Interactive Developer 

Project Manager


Chief Gaming Officer 

Project Manager

User experience


Every participant should be able to act intuitively, feel comfortable in participating and focus effortlessly on good interaction with team members. We make sure that everyone feels like an important part of the performed activities and can interact with ease.

User experience


Every participant should be able to act intuitively, feel comfortable in participating and focus effortlessly on good interaction with team members. We make sure that everyone feels like an important part of the performed activities and can interact with ease.

User experience


Every participant should be able to act intuitively, feel comfortable in participating and focus effortlessly on good interaction with team members. We make sure that everyone feels like an important part of the performed activities and can interact

with ease.

Team experience


It is very important to us that participants who are distant from each other

have a quality group experience, feel a common goal, a sense of cooperation

and real emotions.

Team experience


It is very important to us that participants who are distant from each other have a quality group experience, feel a common goal, a sense of cooperation

and real emotions.

Team experience


It is very important to us that participants who are distant from each other have a quality group experience, feel a common goal, a sense of cooperation and real emotions.



We know that an effective online presence requires full commitment. We make sure to involve participants as much as possible in the programmes at every stage. In hundreds of implementations, we have developed proven mechanics and effective interactive solutions.



We know that an effective online presence requires full commitment. We make sure to involve participants as much as possible in the programmes at every stage. In hundreds of implementations, we have developed proven mechanics and effective interactive solutions.



We know that an effective online presence requires full commitment. We make sure to involve participants as much as possible in the programmes at every stage. In hundreds of implementations, we have developed proven mechanics and effective interactive solutions.

Nasze wartości


Chief 3D Officer 

Zamknij okno


Project Executive


CEO  & Creative Director


Office Manager

Nasze cele integracyjne zostały zrealizowane i pomimo połączenia na odległość każdy z pracowników czuł się zaangażowany i miał 

w wydarzeniu swoją rolę. 









 +48 12 346 48 43

 +48 791 73 85 85

Halicka 10/301
31-036 Kraków


Office in Lublin - online
integration games

Perłowa 4/22

20-574 Lublin

Your e-mail:
Message content:
Formularz został wysłany - dziękujemy.
Proszę wypełnić wszystkie wymagane pola!

User experience


Every participant should be able to act intuitively, feel comfortable in participating and focus effortlessly on good interaction with team members. We make sure that everyone feels like an important part of the performed activities and can interact with ease.

Team experience


It is very important to us that participants who are distant from each other have a quality group experience, feel a common goal,

a sense of cooperation

and real emotions.

Interactive trainings


 Captivating trainings in our original, interactive formula. We do produce platforms for online trainings: onboarding, HSSE, for onsite sales teams. Participants are actively involved in the interactive programme.

Online Team Building


Engaging online games, workshops and challenges for company teams  support communication and strengthen team bonds. We provide entertainment, education and group experience.

We connect, integrate and develop dispersed teams, working from home and in a hybrid model. We create modern programmes, which develop and educate through the entertaining form. We provide solutions for modern times, current needs and demanding customers.


We produce new generation online programmes:  team-building events and interactive training. We design interactive online formats in which participants actively experience group cooperation and competition. We offer the highest quality support for corporate teams in building and maintaining effective relationships. 


We lift the team vibe and improve communication. We know very well that online we cannot lose the attention of the participant, which is why we focus on engaging storylines, captivating scenarios, highly immersive mechanics and the highest visual quality. We love new technologies and are keen to use them to provide authentic online experiences. 


We incorporate corporate values, CSR strategies, work-life balance needs, promote well-being and implement EDI. We activate small and large groups. In Polish, English and German.

  1. pl
  2. en


Let's meet. We will show you and tell you how we engage online. We can arrange a demo presentation.

Leave your e-mail or telephone number.

We will contact you within 24 hours.

Dziękujemy. Odezwiemy się w ciągu 24 godzin. 
Proszę wypełnić wszystkie wymagane pola!


Let's meet


Gra integracyjna się dużym sukcesem i w pełni spełniła nasze oczekiwania. Bardzo docieniamy koncept i wykonanie gry, pełną obsługę przed realizacją, atrakcyjną oprawę wizualną, teaser, zaproszenie i follow up oraz profesjonalne podejście do realizacji.

Łączymy, integrujemy i rozwijamy zespoły rozproszone, teamy pracujące z domów i w systemie hybrydowym. Dostarczamy sprawdzone programy na miarę nowych czasów, aktualnych potrzeb i dla wymagających odbiorców. Zapewniamy autentyczne i emocjonujące  doświadczenia online.


Produkujemy integracyjne i szkoleniowe programy online nowej generacji. 

Tworzymy angażujące formaty, w których uczestnicy aktywnie współpracują i rywalizują. Dobrze wiemy, że w online nie możemy stracić uwagi uczestnika, dlatego

dbamy o wciągające fabuły, immersyjne historie, angażujące mechaniki, interaktywność 

i multimedialność.


Oferujemy wsparcie dla zespołów firmowych w budowaniu i utrzymywaniu efektywnych relacji. Podnosimy zespołowy vibe i usprawniamy komunikację.


Włączamy wartości firmowe i strategie: CSR i work–life balance, promujemy well–being oraz implementujemy EDI.


Aktywizujemy małe i duże grupy. W języku polskim, angielskim i niemieckim.

Łączymy, integrujemy i rozwijamy zespoły rozproszone, teamy pracujące z domów i w systemie hybrydowym. Dostarczamy sprawdzone programy na miarę nowych czasów, aktualnych potrzeb i dla wymagających odbiorców. Zapewniamy autentyczne

i emocjonujące doświadczenia online.


Produkujemy integracyjne i szkoleniowe programy online nowej generacji. Tworzymy angażujące formaty, w których uczestnicy aktywnie współpracują i rywalizują. Dobrze wiemy, że w online nie możemy stracić uwagi uczestnika, dlatego dbamy o wciągające fabuły, immersyjne historie, angażujące mechaniki, interaktywność i multimedialność.


Oferujemy wsparcie dla zespołów firmowych

w budowaniu i utrzymywaniu efektywnych relacji. Podnosimy zespołowy vibe i usprawniamy komunikację.


Włączamy wartości firmowe i strategie: CSR i work–life balance, promujemy well–being oraz implementujemy EDI.


Aktywizujemy małe i duże grupy. W języku polskim, angielskim i niemieckim.

Zamknij okno

Quality you deliver is high,

you perfectly meet customers' needs sacrificing

a lot of the time for

preparations. Smooth communication and concrete questions help to build a good

final product, which is

individual for each customer.

Professionalism of the team players could be easily

recognized. Facilitator

dedicated for our event build relation with participants immediately. His engagement

and good energy motivated

our team to get involved.